古代中国 中華帝国 春秋戦国 五代十国 五代十国時代 羊一族 五胡十六国 五胡十六国時代 南北朝時代 魏晋南北朝時代 中国王朝 夏朝 殷 殷朝 周 周朝 秦 秦朝 汉 汉朝 新朝 前漢 後漢 東漢 晋 晋朝 晉 晉朝 西晋 東晋 北魏 隋 隋朝 唐 唐朝 宋 宋朝 北宋 遼 南宋 金朝 西夏 元朝 大明 清 清朝 史記 科挙 中國歴史 中国史 長安 三皇五帝
General tag used to refer to all of Chinese history prior to the establishment of the Republic of China in 1912, assuming given periods or events do not have their own prominent tags (ala the Romance of the Three Kingdoms period, 184-280). May be used with Chinese mythology when referring to the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.
Generally speaking, Classical Chinese historiography divides Imperial Chinese history into alternating periods of warring states and times when most or all of the China proper (as defined as the 18 provinces of majority Han Chinese population) were controlled by a single dynasty.