An Ultimate Digimon that is the result of the Jogress between Darkdramon and BanchoLeomon. As it failed to properly Jogress, its two Digicores lie exposed on its shoulders, and it is an extremely unstable Digimon destined to be erased from existence. According to the Central Dogma of the Digital World, 'Chaosmon' is the codename for Digimon that 'should not exist'. Its left arm, the Darkdra Arm, is equipped with the Gigastick Cannon (explaining the Arm Cannon tag), while its Banchou Arm is equipped with the BAN-TYO Blade. The Digimoji on the Blade say 'KAOSU', transcribed as 'CHAOS', which hints at its name.
Another variant exists, called Chaosmon: Valdur Arm, which is the Jogress between Valdurmon and BanchoLeomon. There is also UltimateChaosmon, a Jogress between all of Darkdramon, BanchoLeomon, Valdurmon and Sleipmon.
Chaosmon and the Digimon related to it debuted in the Digimon Accel V-Pets in 2005.