Blood Alone is a manga series written and illustrated by Takano Masayuki . The series was originally a doujin manga before being licensed and published until volume 10. The licensed manga was discontinued, but the author continued the series from volume 11 onward again as a doujin manga.
The series follows the adult Kuroe Kurose and the young adolescent Misaki Minato as they live together in modern-day Yokohama. Kurue is a former vampire hunter, turned private detective and author, while Misaki Minato is a young girl who was recently turned into a vampire. The series revolves around the supernatural situations that Kurue gets involved in and Misaki's struggles as she comes to terms with her vampire nature and her love towards Kurue.
Note: While Kuroe Kurose (黒瀬クロエ) could also be translated as Chloe (クロエ, kuroe), it is intentionally left as Kuroe in the official translation, somewhat in part to distinguish him from his mentor the sorceress Chloe.