BattleofTitans battleoftitans バトルオブタイタンズ B.o.T
Battle of Titans (B.o.T) is a 3rd person mech shooter game developed by the Russian game developer Red Button LLC. It was first released on iOS in 2014 and released on Android the following year. The game features walker-style battle machines (Titans) with exchangeable weapons and customizable stats.
The game was celeberated as the spritual successor of mobile mech shooter Walking War Robot as the development team consists of former Pixonic employees. The game however suffered an ICO funding failure and is ill-famed for its slow development speed.
Fan art of the title primarily consists of depiction of the game's mecha, frequently personified as Mecha Musume.
R2L1 "Little Shon"
R2L2 "Bully"
R4L1 "Mite"
R2M1 "Ravager"
R6M4 "Nelly"
R2M3 "M.A.O."
R2M2 "Cormorant"
R2H2 "Tirpitz"
R2H1 "Atlas"