Arepa-chan is an Anime Venezuelan representation of the Arepa, a typical food of this country, consumed in a traditional way; blonde hair represents yellow cheese and aqua eyes represent the eyes colors of the native tribes of the country, is an original character that started on a Facebook page related to the Anime Memes about Venezuela, "Párame Bolas, Senpai", and it is very popular among Venezuelan users who follow that page.
Arepa-chan is a girl given that Venezuela is a feminine name, it is characterized by wearing a loudspeaker, wearing a hat and a jacket with the tricolor colors and the stars of the Venezuelan flag; She does not wear skirts or pants, showing her panties and stockings, a form of Fanservice for the followers of the character.
Venezuelan artists often make FanArts from her and shared by PBS on Facebook.
See also
External Links
- Párame Bolas, Senpai (PBS) Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/arepachandesu
- Arepa-chan image album on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/arepachandesu/photos/?tab=album&album_id=356681658406578
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