Servant of Mani of Machine in the game Elona, they can become party members if the player has enough devotion in Mani.
As their name implies, they are androids. They are black metalic humaniod forms that do not appear terribly humanoid at all in the base game. In Elona+, female androids have more humanoid features, with brown hair and a black uniform. (Most artists seem to prefer base Elona, so androids generally appear as the robotic male form.) When evolved, male androids have a Transformers-like appearance, while female androids appear as mecha musume.
Androids have the specialty of a self-targeting speed-and-stregth-boosting ability named "boost", but since all they can do otherwise is fire their guns, and the Black Angel has a better speed boost ability, they are generally considered inferior allies.
Like most Elona characters, android is just their "class name", and they have randomly generated personal names upon spawning. As such, they would appear in-game as something like, "Selzuk the android".