Alcremie (Vanilla Cream + Strawberry Sweet)
Pokémon #0869 in the National Pokédex, a Fairy-type.
Evolves from Milcery. It has 63 unique forms, each with a different combination of cream (body coloration) and sweet (head decorations). It also has a Gigantamax form; its appearance is the same for every Alcremie, regardless of its initial form.
Japanese name: Mawhip
The following tags implicate this tag: alcremie_(berry_sweet), alcremie_(caramel_swirl), alcremie_(clover_sweet), alcremie_(flower_sweet), alcremie_(lemon_cream), alcremie_(love_sweet), alcremie_(matcha_cream), alcremie_(mint_cream), alcremie_(no_sweet), alcremie_(other_cream), alcremie_(other_sweet), alcremie_(rainbow_swirl), alcremie_(ribbon_sweet), alcremie_(ruby_cream), alcremie_(ruby_swirl), alcremie_(salted_cream), alcremie_(star_sweet), alcremie_(strawberry_sweet), alcremie_(vanilla_cream), and gigantamax_alcremie (learn more).