Elsword character, an expert magician who had lost her abilities due to an evil force, so she sets off to relearn what she lost. She's best known for being temperamental and slim figured. Her seiyuu is Kugimiya Rie.
Class tree:
Magician > High Magician > Elemental Master > Aether Sage
Magician > Dark Magician > Void Princess > Oz Sorcerer
Magician > Battle Magician > Dimension Witch > Metamorphy
Magician > Wiz Magician > Mystic Alchemist > Lord Azoth
The following tags are aliased to this tag: aisha_(elsword) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: aether_sage_(elsword), battle_magician_(elsword), dark_magician_(elsword), dimension_witch_(elsword), elemental_master_(elsword), high_magician_(elsword), lord_azoth_(elsword), magician_(elsword), metamorphy_(elsword), mystic_alchemist_(elsword), oz_sorcerer_(elsword), and void_princess_(elsword) (learn more).