年の差 年齢差 大人×子供 歳の差 おねロリ ショタおね ロリおね ママショタ おばショタ おばロリ ババショタ おにロリ おにショタ ショタおに ロリおに パパショタ お姉さん×男の娘
A pair (or more) of characters who are interacting with one another with a highly-visible apparent difference between their ages, based on visual cues such as physical maturity, size, etc.
If the difference in ages is not readily-apparent from the image itself (by cues such as physical maturity, size, etc), do not use this tag. Similarly, the tag may be used for any picture where there appears to be a wide gap in age, as long as that is the logical conclusion from the image itself.
If it's same character in their different ages, use age comparison.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: older_on_younger (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: onee-loli, onee-shota, and onii-shota (learn more).