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9a91 9A-91 9A-91(ドールズフロントライン) 9A-91(少女前線)
An android representing the 9A-91 rifle in Girls' Frontline.
She has long silver hair, tied into low twintails. She has blue eyes and wears a blue dress with a see-through front, exposing her navel and panties. She also wears a red scarf, red beret and black thighhighs. She dons a red star hair ornament in her standard skin, a likely nod to her USSR origins.
Being designed around a suppressed weapon, 9A-91 is depicted as speaking rather softly. Many of her voice lines show her constantly seeking the Commander's attention and approval. In her OATH lines, she outright confirms this to be her one desire. She seems to be on friendly terms with AS Val and AK-74U.
She is voiced by Nakahara Mai.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: 9a-91_(girls_frontline) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: 9a-91_(a_loyal_friend's_company)_(girls'_frontline), 9a-91_(bullets_cafe)_(girls'_frontline), 9a-91_(hidden_secret)_(girls'_frontline), and 9a-91_(purifying_arrow_flowers_and_dreams)_(girls'_frontline) (learn more).