A playable character and the poster girl of Punishing: Gray Raven. Voiced by Ishikawa Yui.
Physical characteristics includes black or brown hair with red streaks, and red eyes.
Note that Lucia: Crimson Abyss and Lucia: Crimson Weave (both identified by their white hair) should be tagged with Alpha and not with Lucia.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: lucia_(punishing:_gray_raven) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: lucia:_dawn_(gothic)_(pgr), lucia:_dawn_(gray_feathers:_dawn)_(pgr), lucia:_dawn_(holiday_of_eden)_(pgr), lucia:_dawn_(pgr), lucia:_lotus_(daybreak)_(pgr), lucia:_lotus_(pgr), lucia:_lotus_(rain_walking)_(pgr), lucia:_plume_(dance_of_ripplets)_(pgr), lucia:_plume_(eventide_glow)_(pgr), lucia:_plume_(pgr), lucia:_plume_(vermillion_bargain)_(pgr), and lucia:_pyroath_(pgr) (learn more).