pixivファンタジア ピクファン pixivFantasia
Pixiv Fantasia is a joint project on Pixiv to create a fantasy world, hosted by Aroha J. Each campaign features a different fantasy(-adjacent) setting and story, with factions to align with. Pixiv users would then flesh out this world by submitting illustrations and descriptions of heroes and monsters, and aligning with their preferred faction.
The following tags implicate this tag: pixiv_fantasia_1, pixiv_fantasia_2, pixiv_fantasia_3, pixiv_fantasia_4, pixiv_fantasia_5, pixiv_fantasia_age_of_starlight, pixiv_fantasia_fallen_kings, pixiv_fantasia_last_saga, pixiv_fantasia_mountain_of_heaven, pixiv_fantasia_new_world, pixiv_fantasia_revenge_of_the_darkness, pixiv_fantasia_scepter_of_zeraldia, pixiv_fantasia_sword_regalia, pixiv_fantasia_t, and pixiv_fantasia_wizard_and_knight (learn more).