A series by Type-moon which encompasses a lot of different media, starting from Fate/stay night.
This series features various historical figures and mythological characters who are summoned as "Servants" to participate in the Holy Grail War.
The following tags implicate this tag: capsule_servant, emiya-san_chi_no_kyou_no_gohan, fate/apocrypha, fate/extra, fate/grand_order, fate/hollow_ataraxia, fate/kaleid_liner_prisma_illya, fate/labyrinth, fate/prototype, fate/requiem, fate/samurai_remnant, fate/stay_night, fate/strange_fake, fate/tiger_colosseum, fate/type_redline, fate/unlimited_codes, fate/zero, fate:lost_einherjar, koha-ace, lord_el-melloi_ii_case_files, and sensha_otoko (learn more).