メディスン・メランコリー 梅蒂欣·梅兰可莉 메디슨멜랑콜리 メランコリー
The "Little Sweet Poison". Introduced in Touhou's Phantasmagoria of Flower View as a playable character.
A doll youkai once abandoned amidst a field of poisonous lily of the valley flowers. While not particularly experienced, her poison and technique make her a formidable opponent. She dislikes humans and advocates emancipation of dolls (despite the fact that she is the only sentient doll).
Despite fanworks portraying her as friends or shipped with Kazami Yuuka the two have been shown to get along very poorly in Phantasmagoria of Flower View, alongside doing role reversal when it comes to fanon, having her against Yuuka will make the latter tear up and get clothing damage, being one of the very few younger characters to do so. Seemingly gets on very well with Yagokoro Eirin, to the point it's speculated she now works at Eientei as a part-time anesthesiologist.
Generally assumed to live on the Nameless Hill.