CCC nun costume/FGO 1st Ascension
殺生院キアラ 随喜自在第三外法快楽天 ヘブンズホール 杀生院 杀生院祈荒 殺生院キアラ(アルターエゴ) 殺生院祈荒 キアラ・キッショウイン 快楽天・胎蔵曼荼羅 ヘブンズホール/須弥霊掌快楽天魔性菩薩
Wizard and master of Caster in Fate/EXTRA CCC. She leads a virtual Buddhist cult whose beliefs involve around rising to a higher plane of existence via sexual activity. She's the true antagonist and final boss of the game.
Another version of her is the therapist of a branch of Chaldea in Fate/Grand Order's chapter Abyssal Cyber Paradise, SE.RA.PH. She's later taken over by the Demon God Zepar, taking on the personality of her CCC self, and ultimately transforms into a Beast-class Servant. Her playable version is under the Alter Ego designation. While her nun and demon designs are present in both CCC and FGO, her design with arms printed on a longer dress and horns adorned with rings and tassels is exclusive to FGO.
An alternate Moon Cancer-class Servant and her aged down version were introduced in FGO's Summer 2020 event.
Character Design: Wada Arco
Voice Actress: Tanaka Rie
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