Cyber Troopers Virtual-ON, or simply Virtual-ON, is a fast-paced, 3D mecha fighting game created by Sega. Many of the series' mechas were designed by Hajime Katoki, one of the mecha designers of the Gundam franchise. The game puts players in 3D arena where they take control of giant mechas known as Virtuaroids to defeat the other player. When it first debuted in arcades, it used a unique twin-stick set-up to give the players the idea of piloting a giant mecha. The series has seen three sequels and ports on video game consoles.
Some of the Virtuaroids such Temjin and Fei-Yen have featured in a few games in the Super Robot Wars series; Fei-Yen also been crossed-over with Vocaloid's Hatsune Miku as Fei-Yen HD in Super Robot Wars UX. In addition, the franchise collaborated with Toaru Majutsu no Index in Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On.
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