A compressed or downscaled version of an image, created by a website to reduce load times or save bandwidth.
Samples should not be uploaded to Danbooru. To avoid uploading a sample, paste a link to the image on the upload page, rather than downloading the image to your computer then uploading it. Given a link to the image, Danbooru will automatically find the best-quality version of the image available.
It is Danbooru policy to either replace samples with the full-size version, or delete them if the full-size version is already on Danbooru. You can ask for samples to be replaced in topic #16765, or flag them for deletion if the full-size version is already uploaded.
Not to be confused with sample watermarks, which are promotional images with a "SAMPLE" watermark. Also not be confused with revisions or alternate resolutions of the same image produced by the artist.
Types of samples
- pixiv sample
- twitter sample
- nicoseiga sample
- tinami sample
- tumblr sample
- deviantart sample
- artstation sample
- drawcrowd sample
- yandere sample
- hentai-foundry sample
- weibo sample
- lofter sample
- zerochan sample
- konachan sample
- fantia sample
- danbooru sample
See also
The following tags implicate this tag: artstation_sample, bcy_sample, bilibili_sample, ci-en_sample, danbooru_sample, deviantart_sample, drawcrowd_sample, e-hentai_sample, fantia_sample, furaffinity_sample, gracg_sample, hentai-foundry_sample, imageboard_sample, ko-fi_sample, konachan_sample, lofter_sample, mihuashi_sample, naver_sample, newgrounds_sample, nicoseiga_sample, patreon_sample, picarto_sample, pixiv_sample, plurk_sample, reddit_sample, sankaku_sample, tinami_sample, tumblr_sample, twitpic_sample, twitter_sample, uchor_sample, weibo_sample, yandere_sample, and zerochan_sample (learn more).