A type of tight-fitting handwear, usually elbow-length. Its major distinguishing feature is that it is secured by a ring or loop of cloth about one finger, rather than separate finger-holes. Commonly worn as part of a wedding dress, hence the name.
Note: This tag refers to a specific style of glove and does not refer to every glove worn with a wedding dress. Gloves worn with a wedding dress that are not of this specific style should simply be tagged wedding dress and gloves instead.
See Also
The following tags implicate this tag: black_bridal_gauntlets, fishnet_bridal_gauntlets, frilled_bridal_gauntlets, pink_bridal_gauntlets, print_bridal_gauntlets, purple_bridal_gauntlets, red_bridal_gauntlets, see-through_bridal_gauntlets, single_bridal_gauntlet, and white_bridal_gauntlets (learn more).