Manga series created by Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada under the name Yudetamago. Originally serialized in Weekly Shounen Jump from 28 May 1979 to March 1987 for 387 chapters and later collected in 36 volumes. It was adapted into two anime series: a 137-episode series that aired on NTV from 3 April 1983 to 1 October 1986, and a 46-episode series (Kinnikuman: Scramble for the Throne) that also aired on NTV from 6 October 1991 to 27 September 1992, in addition to seven theatrical films (1984-1986) and a television special (7 April 1984).
After 24 years, it returned in Shuu Play News, Shueisha's web version of Weekly Playboy on 28 November 2011. An additional 22 volumes have been published, numbered 37 to 58 as of 3 March 2017.
The series involves an intergalactic stand-off between various heroes and villains with wrestling as a center theme.
Monster Extermination Chapter
- Kinniku Suguru, a.k.a. Kinnikuman
- Meat Alexandria, a.k.a. Meat-kun
- Terryman
- Kinniku Mayumi
- Kinniku Sayuri
- Shouno Natsuko
- Nakano Kazuo
- Yosaku
- Nikaidou Mari
- Detective Akaiwa
- Earth Defense Force Chief
- King Ton
- Goriki
- Nakano Kimiko
- Torishima Kazuhiko
- Pandaman, a one-off character that led to a similarly-named, yet unrelated, character in Oda Eiichirou's One Piece
- Kunta
20th Choujin Olympics Chapter
- Robin Mask
- Ramenman
- Harabote Muscle, usually referred to as The Chairman
- Canadianman
- Specialman
- Brockenman
- Curry Cook
- Skyman
- Kani Base
- Kintaman (Kuntaman in the anime)
- Sphinxman
- Lupin
- Copper Bellman
- Zorroman
- Amazonman
- Vikingman (anime-only)
- White Bearman (anime-only)
- Yetiman (anime-only)
- Announcer Yoshigai
- Tazahama Hiroshi
- Red Shoes Man
- Gagne Mask
- Alisa Mackintosh
American Tour Chapter
- Prince Kamehame
- Jesse Maivia
- Sheik Seijin
- God Von Erich
- Dynamite Piper
- Skull Boze
- Devil Magician
- Kinkotsuman
Monster Extermination Second Chapter
- Brocken Jr.
- Bibinba
- Horumon Yaki
- Shishkeba Boo
The 21st Choujin Olympics: The Big Fight
- Warsman
- Wolfman / Rikishiman
- Pentagon a.k.a. The Pentagon
- Benkiman
- Chienowaman
- Tileman
The Seven Devil Choujin
- Buffaloman
- Atlantis
- Black Hole
- Mister Khamen
- The Mountain
- Springman
- Ste-Casse King a.k.a. Stereo Cassette King
The Golden Mask
- Geronimo
- Akuma Shogun
- Sunshine
- Ashuraman
- Silverman
- Junkman
- The Ninja
- Planetman
- Sneagator
Dream Choujin Tag Team Chapter
- Kinnikuman Great
- Neptuneman
- Big the Budo
- Samson Teacher
- Screw Kid
- Kendaman
- Doctor Bombe
Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne
- Kinniku Ataru
- Bikeman
- The Samurai
- Kinnikuman Super Phoenix
- Mammothman
- The Omegaman
- Prisman
- Satan Cross
Muscle Returns
Kinnikuman Kaijuu
- Kinkotsuman
- Iwao
- Nachiguron
- Okamarasu
- Eraginesus
- Abdullah / Abududullah
- Acrobat-seijin
- Gorizaemon
- Nessie
- Sheik-seijin
- Franky
- Zangyaku-seijin
- Kappatron
- Daibutsura
- Dai King
- Mouko-seijin
- Sokonashi-seijin
- Long Legged Gon
- Apollo the Giant
- Burugorasu
- Monster Turkey
- Gonta
- Sprinterzord
- Tendon
- Bazoogara
- Ukon
- Octopus Dragon
- Harigorasu
- Mammora
- Miss Karasu
Anime original characters
- Kinkotsu-Obaba
- Elder Cements
- The Queen of Heaven
- Gunshi Yama Khan
- Kareiyasu
- Hell Knight
- Chikara
- Gangarian
- Princess Lilly
- Baron Ram
- Prince Cherry
- Dirty Baron
- Wild Bakuto
- Jiraiyer
- Gudon
- Bull Docky
- Big Magnum
- Baracky
- The Kinniku Clan Ancestor
- Kinniku Tatsunori
- Uldraman / Uttraman
- Shigeru-kun
- Tatsunori-kun (anime-only)
- Medium Rare / Rare Alexandria
- Salami
- Kalbi Liver / Liver Alexandria
- Horumon Yaki
- Shishkeba Boo
- Beansman
- Ingen
- The Uchuu Nobushi
Other characters
- Kinnikuman Mariposa / Thief George
- Mister VTR
- Mixer Emperor
- King the 100 Ton
- Kinnikuman Zebra / Powerfulman
- The Manriki
- Motorman
- Bikeman
- Parthenon
- Puri-Puri Man
- Planetman