A playable character in Punishing: Gray Raven. Voiced by Itou Miku since 2021 (formerly by Kayano Ai).
Member of Gray Raven, a task force that leads the charge in defeating corrupted enemies with the end goal of reclaiming Earth for humanity. Formerly a member of Vanessa's Egret squad, Liv serves as a field medic and combat support role.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: liv_(punishing:_gray_raven) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: liv:_eclipse_(christmas_promise)_(pgr), liv:_eclipse_(gray_feathers:_eclipse)_(pgr), liv:_eclipse_(maid_of_time)_(pgr), liv:_eclipse_(pgr), liv:_eclipse_(tiara)_(pgr), liv:_empyrea_(dreamcatcher)_(pgr), liv:_empyrea_(pgr), liv:_empyrea_(wings_of_dawn)_(pgr), liv:_luminance_(pgr), liv:_luminance_(puella_subnautica)_(pgr), liv:_luminance_(skeletal_bride)_(pgr), liv:_luminance_(snowbreak_bloom)_(pgr), liv:_lux_(florescence)_(pgr), liv:_lux_(lingering_fragrance)_(pgr), liv:_lux_(pgr), and liv:_lux_(spring_breeze)_(pgr) (learn more).