スレッタ・マーキュリー スレッタっぱい 髪下ろしスレッタ スレミオ
The main protagonist of Gundam Suisei no Majo and the first female protagonist of a Gundam TV anime.
She is one of the 2 daughters of Elnora Samaya (a.k.a. Prospera Mercury) and a clone of Ericht Samaya. Suletta is also the pilot of Gundam Aerial, its Gundam Aerial Rebuild upgrade, and the Gundam Calibarn.
She is typically paired with Miorine Rembran. In the end of the series she marries Miorine Rembran as seen on both of their ring finger wearing matching wedding ring, thus making them the first confirmed lesbian couple of the franchise (and their fans himedanshi).
Her voice actress is Ichinose Kana.