The main character of the Kirby series. He is an eight-inch-tall pink puffball who inhales his enemies and can swallow them, spit them back out at other foes, and even copy their abilities.
The following tags implicate this tag: animal_kirby, arch_mouth, archer_kirby, artist_kirby, ball_kirby, balloon_kirby, beam_kirby, beetle_kirby, bell_kirby, big-rig_mouth, bomb_kirby, bubble_kirby, burning_kirby, car_mouth, circus_kirby, cleaning_kirby, coaster_mouth, cone_mouth, cook_kirby, crash_kirby, cupid_kirby, cutter_kirby, doctor_kirby, dome_mouth, drill_kirby, esp_kirby, festival_kirby, fighter_kirby, fire_kirby, freeze_kirby, ghost_kirby, hammer_kirby, hi-jump_kirby, hypernova_kirby, ice_kirby, jet_kirby, kabuki_kirby, laser_kirby, leaf_kirby, light-bulb_mouth, magic_kirby, mecha_kirby, metal_kirby, mike_kirby, mini_kirby, mirror_kirby, missile_kirby, needle_kirby, ninja_kirby, paint_kirby, parasol_kirby, pipe_mouth, plasma_kirby, poison_kirby, ranger_kirby, ring_mouth, sand_kirby, scissor-lift_mouth, sleep_kirby, spark_kirby, spear_kirby, spider_kirby, staff_kirby, stairs_mouth, stone_kirby, storage_mouth, sword_kirby, throw_kirby, top_kirby, tornado_kirby, ufo_kirby, vending_mouth, water-balloon_mouth, water_kirby, wheel_kirby, whip_kirby, wing_kirby, and yarn_kirby (learn more).