東方 東方project 東方プロジェクト 东方 东方project 東方妖時計 동방 東方MMD 東方うごイラ 東方グラマラス 東方ショタ化 東方好きな人RT 東方版もうひとつの深夜の真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負 東方黄金水 東方緊縛画 東方モータリゼーション 東方対魔忍 touhouproject
"東方" (Japanese for "eastern")
A series of "bullet hell" vertical shooter games created by ZUN, featuring a large cast of girls and almost no male characters.
Touhou first appeared on the NEC PC-9801 computers in its first five games between 1996 and 1998 before going into hiatus, during which time ZUN left his former team, Amusement Makers. These games make up the Touhou (PC-98) era. In 2002 he returned as the one-man doujin group Team Shanghai Alice and released Touhou for Windows, thus exposing it to a larger audience.
The games themselves, mostly in the danmaku ("bullet hell") genre, are addictive and have acquired a large following. In particular, his original music is incredibly popular and is the subject of numerous doujin remix albums.
Currently Touhou has nineteen mainstream danmaku shooter games, six danmaku spinoffs, six fighting spinoffs and an action spinoff, with the fighting games and action game made in collaboration with Tasogare Frontier. The series also has a number of supplementary materials including manga, short stories, fanbooks, and music CDs.
The backgrounds and personalities of its characters (the majority of which come from the Windows generation) are often expanded upon in doujins and, occasionally, ZUN canonizes some concepts.
Touhou is also notable for being a de facto open source franchise, in which ZUN allows various fan works such as doujinshi and video games to be published and sold with little to no licensing fees. This allowed the franchise to remain popular to this day.
NOTE: Don't tag individual Touhou games unless the game is directly referenced by the post. All of the characters in a picture having debuted in the same game is not enough to count. The full cast of a game (with or without the protagonists) appearing will usually count, so long as no other characters are present.
A "Direct Reference" can include, but may not be limited to:
- Depiction of gameplay mechanics found in the game (post #4907093)
- Any kind of parody of the game or other work (post #4546543)
- A character drawn in a pose from their official art (post #4495699)
- A character wearing an outfit from a game or other work instead of their "usual" outfit, ranging from outfits that only differ slightly (post #4419411), to outfits that differ entirely, (e.g Turbo Byakuren). This may also include physical changes specific for a game (post #1366406)
- The name of the game or other work being written in the post (post #3865937)
PC-98 Generation
- 東方靈異伝 (Touhou Rei'iden) ~ the Highly responsive to Prayers
- 東方封魔録 (Touhou Fuumaroku) ~ the Story of Eastern Wonderland
- 東方夢時空 (Touhou Yumejikuu) ~ Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
- 東方幻想郷 (Touhou Gensoukyou) ~ Lotus Land Story
- 東方怪綺談 (Touhou Kaikidan) ~ Mystic Square
Windows Generation
- 東方紅魔郷 (Touhou Komakyou) ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
- 東方妖々夢 (Touhou Youyoumu) ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom
- 東方萃夢想 (Touhou Suimusou) ~ Immaterial and Missing Power
- 東方永夜抄 (Touhou Eiyashou) ~ Imperishable Night
- 東方花映塚 (Touhou Kaeizuka) ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View
- 東方文花帖 (Touhou Bunkachou) ~ Shoot the Bullet
- 東方風神録 (Touhou Fuujinroku) ~ Mountain of Faith
- 東方緋想天 (Touhou Hisouten) ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
- 東方地霊殿 (Touhou Chireiden) ~ Subterranean Animism
- 東方星蓮船 (Touhou Seirensen) ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
- 東方非想天則 (Touhou Hisoutensoku)
- ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖 (Double Spoiler ~ Touhou Bunkachou)
- 妖精大戦争 ~ 東方三月精 (Yousei Daisensou ~ Touhou Sangetsusei)
- 東方神霊廟 (Touhou Shinreibyou) ~ Ten Desires
- 東方心綺楼 (Touhou Shinkirou) ~ Hopeless Masquerade
- 東方輝針城 (Touhou Kishinjou) ~ Double Dealing Character
- 弾幕アマノジャク (Danmaku Amanojaku) ~ Impossible Spell Card
- 東方深秘録 (Touhou Shinhiroku) ~ Urban Legend in Limbo
- 東方紺珠伝 (Touhou Kanjuden) ~ Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
- 東方憑依華 (Touhou Hyouihana) ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers
- 東方天空璋 (Touhou Tenkuushou) ~ Hidden Star in Four Seasons
- 秘封ナイトメアダイアリー (Hifuu Nightmare Diary) ~ Violet Detector
- 東方鬼形獣 (Touhou Kikeijuu) ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature
- 東方剛欲異聞 ~ 水没した沈愁地獄 (Sunken Fossil World ~ Suibotsushita Chinshuu Jigoku)
- 東方虹龍洞 (Touhou Kouryuudou) 〜 Unconnected Marketeers
- バレットフィリア達の闇市場 (Barettofiria Tachi no Yamishijou) 〜 100th Black Market
- 東方獣王園 (Touhou Jyuuouen) 〜 Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost
Print Works
- 東方香霖堂 (Touhou Kourindou) ~ Curiosities of Lotus Asia
- 東方三月精 (Touhou Sangetsusei) ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity
- 東方三月精 (Touhou Sangetsusei) ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity
- 東方三月精 (Touhou Sangetsusei) ~ Oriental Sacred Place
- 東方三月精 (Touhou Sangetsusei) ~ Visionary Fairies in Shrine
- 東方文花帖 (Touhou Bunkachou) ~ Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
- 東方紫香花 (Touhou Shikouhana) ~ Seasonal Dream Vision
- 東方求聞史紀 (Touhou Gumon Shiki) ~ Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
- 東方儚月抄 (Touhou Bougetsushou) ~ Silent Sinner in Blue
- 東方儚月抄 (Touhou Bougetsushou) ~ Cage in Lunatic Runagate
- 東方儚月抄 (Touhou Bougetsushou) ~ 月のイナバと地上の因幡 (Tsuki no Inaba to Chijou no Inaba, lit. Inaba of the Moon and Inaba of the Earth)
- The Grimoire of Marisa
- 東方茨歌仙 (Touhou Ibarakasen) ~ Wild and Horned Hermit
- 東方求聞口授 (Touhou Gumon Kuju) ~ Symposium of Post-mysticism
- 東方鈴奈庵 (Touhou Suzunaan) ~ Forbidden Scrollery
- 東方文果真報 (Touhou Bunka Shinpou) ~ Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia
- 東方外來韋編 (Touhou Gairai Ihen) ~ Strange Creators of Outer World
- The Grimoire of Usami ~ 秘封倶楽部異界撮影記録 (Hifuu Kurabu Ikai Satsuei Kiroku)
- 東方智霊奇伝 ~ 反則探偵さとり(Touhou Chireikiden ~ Foul Detective Satori)
- 東方酔蝶華 ~ ロータスイーター達の酔醒 (Touhou Suichouka ~Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei)
- 蓬莱人形 (Hourai Ningyou) ~ Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
- 蓮台野夜行 (Rendaino Yakou) ~ Ghostly Field Club
- 夢違科学世紀 (Yumetagae Kagaku Seiki) ~ Changeability of Strange Dream
- 卯酉東海道 (Bouyu Toukaidou) ~ Retrospective 53 minutes
- 大空魔術 (Oozora Majutsu) ~ Magical Astronomy
- 幺樂団の歴史 (Yougakudan no Rekishi) ~ Akyuu's Untouched Score Vol.1-5
- 未知の花 魅知の旅 (Michi no Hana, Michi no Tabi), lit. Unknown Flower, Mesmerizing Journey
- 鳥船遺跡 (Torifune Iseki) ~ Trojan Green Asteroid
- 伊弉諾物質 (Izanagi Busshitsu) ~ Neo-traditionalism of Japan
- 燕石博物誌 (Enseki Hakubutsushi) ~ Dr.Latency's Freak Report
- 旧約酒場 (Kyuuyaku Sakaba) ~ Dateless Bar "Old Adam"
- 虹色のセプテントリオン (Nijiiro no Seputentorion) ~ Rainbow-Colored Septentrion
- 七夕坂夢幻能 (Tanabatazaka Mugen Nou) ~ Taboo Japan Disentanglement
- 蓬莱少女繪幻想 ~ Portrait of Exotic Girls
See also
External links
The following tags are aliased to this tag: toho (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: 100th_black_market, alternative_facts_in_eastern_utopia, antinomy_of_common_flowers, bohemian_archive_in_japanese_red, changeability_of_strange_dream, curiosities_of_lotus_asia, dateless_bar_"old_adam", dolls_in_pseudo_paradise, double_dealing_character, double_spoiler, dr.latency's_freak_report, embodiment_of_scarlet_devil, forbidden_scrollery, foul_detective_satori, ghostly_field_club, grimoire_of_marisa, grimoire_of_usami, hakurei_frontier_spell_strive, hidden_star_in_four_seasons, hopeless_masquerade, immaterial_and_missing_power, imperishable_night, impossible_spell_card, koishi_komeiji's_heart-throbbing_adventure, legacy_of_lunatic_kingdom, lotus_eaters, magical_astronomy, michi_no_hana_michi_no_tabi, mountain_of_faith, neo-traditionalism_of_japan, new_super_marisa_land, night_sparrow_love, osana_reimu, perfect_cherry_blossom, perfect_memento_in_strict_sense, phantasmagoria_of_flower_view, portrait_of_exotic_girls, rainbow-colored_septentrion, retrospective_53_minutes, scarlet_weather_rhapsody, shoot_the_bullet, strange_creators_of_outer_world, subterranean_animism, sunken_fossil_world, symposium_of_post-mysticism, taboo_japan_disentanglement, ten_desires, tenco's_story, the_memories_of_phantasm, touhou_(pc-98), touhou_arcadia_record, touhou_ayaria_epic, touhou_blooming_chaos, touhou_bougetsushou, touhou_cannonball, touhou_danmaku_kagura, touhou_fugyouseki, touhou_genmu_youtan, touhou_gensou_eclipse, touhou_hakureisou, touhou_hero_of_ice_fairy, touhou_hisoutensoku, touhou_hoikushou, touhou_igyoukyo, touhou_lost_branch_of_legend, touhou_lostword, touhou_m-1_grand_prix, touhou_maoutan, touhou_mother, touhou_musou_kakyou, touhou_mystia's_izakaya, touhou_ningyougeki, touhou_sangetsusei, touhou_shisouroku, touhou_shizenyu, touhou_sky_arena, touhou_spell_bubble, touhou_tag_dream, touhou_unreal_mahjong, trojan_green_asteroid, unconnected_marketeers, undefined_fantastic_object, unfinished_dream_of_all_living_ghost, urban_legend_in_limbo, violet_detector, wild_and_horned_hermit, wily_beast_and_weakest_creature, and yousei_daisensou (learn more).