A video game series produced by Marvelous Inc., and illustrated by Yaegashi Nan. With a TV anime adaptation aired from January 6th to March 24th, 2013. The series features various shinobi (female ninjas) from various clans and schools who battle for supremacy.
Rather (in)famous for large amount of fan services, particularily its trademark "cloth-breaking" gameplay mechanics and featuring numerous female casts with large breasts.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: senran_kagura_(series) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: senran_kagura_burst, senran_kagura_estival_versus, senran_kagura_new_link, senran_kagura_new_wave, senran_kagura_peach_beach_splash, senran_kagura_shinovi_versus, and senran_kagura_shoujo-tachi_no_shin'ei (learn more).