Minor Splatoon character.
She is a singer in the band Chirpy Chips (formerly ABXY), alongside Sid, Orion and Clash.
Like Annie, Harmony is a sea anemone girl who has a black clownfish living in her hair. She has long pink tentacle hair, green eyes, and prominent eyelashes. She wears a baseball cap, a long shirt, and a pleated green miniskirt. Due to her lackadasial nature, Harmony is often seen drooling (mouth drool).
As with many of the bands that are not Sea O' Colors (the Squid Sisters), she doesn't physically appear in Splatoon 1 or Splatoon 2. However, her design has garnered fans' attention more than any of the other non-appearing band members in the games. She would later make her game debut in Splatoon 3 as shopkeep for the general store Hotlantis.
The name previously used on this wiki, "Glenna Nalira", is not her official name. The English Splatoon wiki temporarily christened her with it.
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