Artist's commentary
Final Fantasy 13-2 Lightning, Champion Of Valhalla
I'll never forgive myself if I don't make at least one fan art of Lightning in her FF 13-2 costume. XD
And now I did. I can forgive myself. XD
I'm unlocking the alternate endings now. So far I got four, none of which really piqued my interest - even that Moogle ending. :| (Blank Stare)
But I still have a lot of exploring to do that'll keep my party busy.
I like Lightning's outfit in this game. Reminds me of one of Erza Scarlet's armors in Fairy Tail. Love
And I bet it's obvious that my favorite part of her costume are those tufts of feathers forming a skirt of some sort. :D (Big Grin)
I exaggerated that in this drawing. I turned it into a wing! XD
And I placed her trusty stead, Odin, out there by the shore of Valhalla, because that pony's face looks like a sucker fish. XD
And man! Why did I make things hard for myself by drawing Valhalla! All those little stupid details!
AAAHHH!!! frustrated
Oh yeah, I think I need to work on drawing distance, angle, and height...
I watched trailers for Final Fantasy 13: Lightning Returns by the way. :D (Big Grin)
I'm interested in seeing that "evil" Serah clone. EVIL Laughter!
Oh and finally, if you wanna see the sketches I made for this, they're here: [link]