Artist's commentary
Lelouch, C.C and Gawain
Nyahah! I just wanted to draw some mecha! And what better mecha to draw than Code Geass' Nightmare Frames - namely Gawain! Party
I remember I used to draw lots of Gundam before, you can still see some of them here uploaded along with the other old fan arts I made. XD
I used a screenshot for reference here. Robots and mechanical crap like this are pretty tricky to draw - all those lines and geometric shapes - not really my specialty, but, yeah gotta do something a little challenging for a change. :D (Big Grin)
By the way, I love the design of Gawain. Reminds me of the Egyptian god Set because of the color scheme and those doggy ears. :D (Big Grin)
I hope C.C and Lulu are still visible here. :D (Big Grin)
Ah... I Heart
Code Geass. It's a shame I haven't watched the series seriously before - when it was shown in a local TV channel here. :( (Sad)
I only remembered that epic finale... Now I kinda' feel like I spoiled myself. :( (Sad)
Well, whatever, Code Geass is still a freakin' awesome bloody fun anime to watch.
Man, the way Lelouch does all those unnecessary gestures when he uses his Geass, LOL! XD
His twisted philosophy which I like to adopt as my own. XD
And the way he laughs! I mean he and Light from Death Note are the only "protagonists" in a story who have VERY villanous laughs. EVIL Laughter!
I just CAN'T help but laugh with him whenever he does. XD
Neighbors probably think I 've gone cuckoo. XD