Artist's commentary
Firion Third Costume in EX-Mode
Loved the feeling of playing Dissidia after a few months hiatus. XD
I've finished all the stories there now and I already explored 100 % of the Labyrinth, but playing my favorite Final Fantasy characters is still awesome! :D (Big Grin)
And I always seem to go straight to the Labyrinth when I play Dissidia. Other times, I decide to kill Feral Chaos again in story mode - man, I remember when I had no knowledge of accessories and boosters, I actually defeated Feral cheap ass Chaos using the LONG method. I mean, just kill him by landing as many HP attacks as possible. XD
And the guy who finally defeated him that time was Firion! :D (Big Grin)
I spammed his Weaponsmaster, Lord of Arms and Shield Bash attacks. :D (Big Grin)
So when I played him again, I decided to draw another fanart of him afterwards because he's my best friend. XD
This time with his 3rd outfit. :D (Big Grin)
I like the fact that his costume turns blue during Ex-Mode - makes his Blood Weapons stand out. And that's what I wanted to do here - makes his tools pop by making his outfit a little bluer and using the contrast of blue and red to further the effect. :D (Big Grin)
And I added blue roses... Yeap blue roses... :| (Blank Stare)
You know, he reminds me of Warrior of Light when he's in this costume, but I can't quite sure pinpoint the reason why... Laughing my ass off!
*cough* Horns... *cough* *cough*
By the way, looks like I used the word "blue" a little too much in this post. XD