Sigh...Well, I guess she'll show up sooner or later.Shall we eat, then?Huuh~?
You think we have something like that?Ooh!
Would ya look at that!Only the clothes, for some reason.Ah!If you're trying to bait Marisa-san, wouldn't some treasure have worked better than sweets?When I woke up yesterday, these were on top of my futon...Marisa-san!*WORRY...*...'s clothes??I looked everywhere inside the shrine.
I even went to the Forest of Magic, but found no trace...
So I wondered if she could still be hiding somewhere.HeeeyI highly doubt she's here.I can't feel her presence, for one...Hrrm~Could the wind have blown them here?Or maybe it's a fairy prank...Maybe...
Although, if this is her top...ResultI don't have any clothes...