Artist's commentary
Pixiv Style Meme - Dark Pit
Did a meme and ended up spending way longer than i should have on it.... I'm such a tryhard. Like, lowkey trying really hard, but also gotta look chill on the outside. On the inside... I cry so much :')
Somehow, my perception of Dark Pit's aesthetic went from black, gold, and red to... pink and purple?? Well. (I must admit, however, that purple is a freaking gorgeous color.)
Shoujo was also surprisingly fun even though I had low expectations for it. Shounen, on the other hand, was really hard to figure out what to draw and how... also I suck at realism. The Mii one is pretty much the Pittoo mii I made on my 3ds. What's doraemon
also LOL EROGAME. I LOVE FIRE EMBLEM FATES but..... it's just so disgustingly anime sometimes I gotta poke fun at it :>
Also... I use the word also too much. Also, I use too many ellipses...
Also...WHY AM I SUCH DP TRASH AAAAHHHHHHH <3 darkpitumadplz