Artist's commentary
This is my submission for the ArtSpace contest over at CGSociety!
It was especially created for the contest although I could have submitted some older work of mine as well.
This was clearly one of the more time-consuming artworks that I did. Put in countless hours (I really don’t know how many) working on and off over several days until I was happy. :) (Smile)
It’s all done in Photoshop, no modelling.
I did myself a luxurious favor and bought the Cintiq 12WX! :) (Smile)
This was one of my first works using the tablet. It’s a pretty fancy device, but mostly unnnecessary luxury if you ask me...
I love using the ruler on it, painting the buildings like that was fun! And it finally comes close to how I work on paper when creating techy stuff!
Other than that, I really purchased it for doing more hand-drawn animation. It’s easier and more accurate to work on the screen like you would using a peg bar.
For speedpainting though, I prefer using it as a normal tablet, because your hand gets in the way and you lose the overview of your work.
Lastly, here are some close up shots at 75 % of this painting:
Bullet; Blue