It's Grey.Hey, hey, why are you crying, I wonder?Fun fun! Aahahaha!......However:For the first time, N felt the feeling known as "sadness".-"Normal" people can't hear you?
-Yeah.And I...And so, this single room was "The World".In it's place, he was given many toys.If he ever wanted anything, it would be given to him no matter what.N grew up in a happy environment with no inconvenience.Then one day, something happened to him while he was reading a book.N took an unusual interest in these things called "Friends".In that place, N always got toys when he asked the people for them. So he said, "I want friends".But, this time only, he wasn't given anything.N became kind of sad.Hey, why are you beaten so violently?In reality, there was an unrepairable gap. And just because he wasn't "Normal" for being able to understand Pokemon, even N became a victim of the gap.Aargh, look at the skill on this thing! It's crap! Get out of here!Ahh, I hate pokemon! They should disappear!Unforgivable, isn't it?! Taking what they please from these people's fields!Ahh... I see, now...The world is... This world is......Grey...An existence that can't be colored.I'm not human, I'm not Pokemon... I... I am...It's because he accidentally met those horrible people, isn't it?It's to be expected, facing such a cruel sight. Pity the child.I should prepare something to console him, at least.That's no good, this is my WORLD, so if people and pokemon can't be friends, then if we're together, even you and even me can't be HAPPY.?...Oh, you're kind. You're not scared of me.I'm sure this has never happened before!On many occasions, Pokemon who had been deeply hurt were sent to N's room.And every time, N deeply, deeply loved the Pokemon. It was as if a hole in his own heart was being filled. Deeply. Deeply.Oh, sorry, were we being troublesome...?That's when N met him.Damn arrogant humansOnce, in this place, there was a boy.The boy didn't have a name.This nameless boy was called "N", short for "NO NAME".N hadn't left his room even once.If he did that, surely they would understand.Damned human-shaped monster! Don't come any closer!Really, I don't want to, but...Humans just do as they please. Damn humans, I'll teach them a lesson...This is why I told you not go near those ferocious Pokemon!They take our lands so we have nowhere to live and nothing to eat... We have to attack their fields to survive.So it's all good~~!That boy is not a human child, nor a Pokemon.Truly, he is the child of Pokemon.Listen to me, Friends. I love you all.That's why I want you to be happy.......Yes.N knew.This was the world outside, this was--You've breathed in too much bad air.Return to your room at once.The next day, N noticed the door was left unlocked.He left the room, an action that generally wouldn't be called special in society.But to him, to leave the room is slipping out of the world, and needed a lot of courage.Until now, N had never left the room, nor had he ever needed to do so.But now, it was different. Because he had the goal of "wanting friends".And so, N found the resolve to go outside of the room.There, the world he had never seen spread out before him....It was a very stagnant world.An extremely violent human. A pinned down and beaten Pokemon.Humans standing around not stopping it, just watching.N. You're very dirty....a world of sadness.? ...You can hear us? You're a strange person.Before N's eyes was the tragic condition of the outside world. He was speechless.Just because I wasn't born strong, I was abandoned.Wahh! The wild pokemon bit me mommy!Aah! But I'm not human!You came from the outside WORLD too? Outside is no good.Truly...Love you!But this place is a pure Black and White WORLD with no one in it.Humans can't coexist with Pokemon. They may say that they want to, but the moment they feel any fear for their own existence, they'll calmly turn around and persecute them.I will become undefeatable, and all trainers...Ahaha! You sure are energetic today, Pokabu!Those humans...And, I shall obtain a power that surpasses even the Champion.I want to give you a world of boundless freedom, where you'll never be confined.In the end, there are humans who hate those of different species, those who are different from them and not "normal", judging the surface and not seeing their true nature.Despite that, there are still those who speak nonsense of coexisting with and protecting Pokemon, while confining them in Pokeballs and torturing them. If these things continue, humans will suffer, and Pokemon will suffer.―I will stop this spiral of negativity.I will separate this Grey world of humans and Pokemon into one that is clearly Black and White....To do this...I shall become King.I must hurry and liberate my Friends...The humans hurt and exterminate us as they please.It's okay if you quickly exterminate the pokemon-...will set their Friends free!Yaaay! Touya-kun! Touya-kun! I love you!TouyaDamn humans, I'll show-
The ferocious pokemon bit-N didn't know why these kinds of things came to be. He asked the Pokemon.If he did that, Pokemon and humans could be friends.I will liberate everyone from this Grey world.Are you the kid who was abandoned by us and the humans?Huh? This is weird. Why do my eyes feel hot? not dyed either color... I can't be dyed.N then knew for the first time he was the only one who could hear the voices of Pokemon.Why, why can't Pokemon and humans get along?Humans build over our land as they like, and when we try to go back to where we lived, they do horrible things like throw rocks at us...Just look at these devastated fields! Ferocious Pokemon destroyed the fields and caused considerable damage!It's their fault the field is ruined.N-sama has gotten very quiet compared to before.Yah! Hello, what are you doing. Who are you. Welcome. Welcome.I don't understand. Tell me.From then on...Watching that boy and the Pokemon experiencing each others' scars is somehow comical.The trainer who would shake his destiny to its very foundations...It hurts.He can hear those monsters voice? What the hell is he talking about?!Aah! Maybe you're thinking of me?...become Friends?That was... a Pokemon's voice? But how strange, that there are Pokemon who would say something like that.You've gotten rowdy!Then and there, N used his unique powers to tell everyone the injured Pokemon's thoughts.Hey, can you, and me, get along? And, and...