Researchers Find Roach Milk 4 Times More Nutrient Than Cow's
...ast few years, researchers found a amazing new food source that may be a key in... ...of the future's world. That is cockroach milk. They are nutrients extracted from cockroaches of spe... ...ata, also called Pacific Cockroaches. They are an only cockroach species that can give birth as... its ... will produce a kind of liquid that is similar to milk to raise its larvae. Scient... crystallized ...tein that has 4 times more nutrients than cow's milk. This caused a... nutrition and food for the future. Protein crystals found in cockroach milk has prop... ...complete protein source which consists of essential amino acids. Which the body... ...and repair tissues. In addit... ...healthy fat, carbohydrates that gives ene... ...making it suitable for consum... ...concentrated food in an amount... ...found that an energy received from the prot... ...higher concentration than cow's milk or even...
Cockroaches are not limited to... ...ronmentally-friendly protein sour... ...less resources than raisi... ...produce greenhouse gases. Also... ...can be done in a small area and... ..ckroach milk became an alternat... ...sustainable food production... But cockroach milk still faces... ...especially in... At present, extracting proteins from... ...complicated and has a high cost... ...can scale effi... ...from consumers is also... ...are insects that many people feel disg... ...products that are extracted from ins... ...cockroach milk development in a for... ...such as protein powder or... break into a consumer market that seeks for... ...and is friendly to... ...kroach milk may become... ...future that should not be overl...