Artist's commentary
trying to push myself into drawing again. it took a lot to even get this coloured.
Id still say im on hiatus though, so dont expect 100 more things, group art or commissions.
I was hoarding these two Pokemon specifically for a RSE remake, so I haven't used them on an in-game team since Emerald version. I'm so excited to use some of my faves again.
The names I've picked for these two are Minerva(Gardevoir) and Silver(Mightyena).
Silver seems like a lazy-as-fuck name but alot ofmy ORAS stuff is going to be throwbacks to RSE because it was a very special and nostalgic time for me. Silver was the name of my original Mightyena in Emerald whom I still have. (Another was Raven, but I don't have her anymore and have since re-used the name.)
art (c) me
Mightyena, Gardevoir (c) nintendo, gamefreak