Artist's commentary
Hopesinger, who beyond the despair
#FF14 #FFXIV #Meteion #メーティオン
To all of you:
I used all my vacation and finished this, as my first work and the gift for all of my friends in 2025.
You know, life is a book, no matter it is long or short, one day this book will come to the end. In this book, you’re the main hero, the center of the world. Sometimes some people would tell you that you’re not good enough, or you should change your style then you can make more money, well, this is BULLSHIT.
The meaning of life is only create by yourself, you’re the only one who has the right to depend who you should be, and what you want to do.
But I know, sometimes you know you’re more than your now, and you tried everything to make the prize of your life.
If you tried, and lost, please keep trying, because what you’re looking for is the brightest light in your heart, and it always come after the deepest and longest darkness, only these people who never quiet can finally get it.
If you think it’s because you are not good enough, then you can lever yourself, make your own unique style. Don’t care about your past, and don’t worry about your future, because yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, That is why it's called the present.