Artist's commentary
KH2: Tidus and Yuna
...now this can't end well. =P (Razz)
My sister and I were talking about how out of the FF characters in KH2, the only sort of 'official pairings' were the Cloud/Aeris or Cloud/Tifa. ...then I realised that the series did, in fact, have a Tidus and a Yuna. XD
But talk about problematic! One's 15 years old, and the other's a fairy of undeterminable age. Still, it makes for an awfully cute picture. ^_<
As Tidus didn't actually appear in KH2 (;_; just one brieft mention) I designed him a KH2 style outfit which is a little more like his original outfit. The first sketch I did of it's up in my scraps, here: [link]
-Photoshop CS2 & Wacom Graphire Tablet
-About 5-6 hours