Metal outer shellDelayed fuseRetardant (~5 second)StrikerDetonatorDetonation capsulePrimerLead Azide
Lead Styphnate
etc.Retardant (~4.2 second)3. Striker is triggered4. Retardant burns5. Detonator combusts, explosive ignites1. Pin unclipped2. Lever releases3. Striker is triggered5. Detonator capsule burns, explosive ignites6. Shockwave generated, fragments scatterSafety leverStrikerFragmentation grenade4. Retardant burnsExplosive fillingExplosive fillingPrimer2. Lever released6. Shockwave generated, fragments scatterMetal outer shellThere's a few steps that happen before a grenade explodes.
It won't explode just because you pull out the pin.Safety pinDelayed FuseNn, this fuse is just for intimidation.Lead Azide
Lead Styphnate
RDX, etc.1. Pin unclippedSafety pin