Artist's commentary
Zeno Clash comic p03
This is page 03 of the four pages ZENO CLASH webcomic, published recently on march. I enjoyed a lot working on the project, and feel very honoured that i was given the possibility to be part of it, since it's one of the most important things that have happened in the last years here in Chile.
these are digital colors over traditional pencils.
It was started on november-december, so I was able to take good time and work each page with care.
Special thanks to my good friend ~hardcolico for helping with color roughs.
ZENO CLASH is comming out this month(april 2009), and pre-orders are available through STEAM.
read the full comic HERE! and visit ZENO CLASH website for more information.
ZENOCLASH © 2007 ACE Team Software, all rights reserved.