Artist's commentary
Originally, I intended on drawing this character way earlier within the year.However, because of complications I had with trying to master drawing her hair in my first attempt of drawing Klara--back in February or March...I just thought that now was the best time to be drawing something relating to this Poison-type Pokemon Trainer, granted that the Isle of Armor expansion for Pokemon Sword and Shield is only a week ahead.
Especially with how much I can easily say that I've improved throughout the months, as well as the fact that I also have Sword of the two versions to be having Klara in my future playthrough of the DLC~! ;u;---Though speaking of the following drawing featured here as a result, if you were also wondering about the reason why it really didn't take me long to submit another illustration after my Roll drawing by two to three days, it's mainly the fact that this is yet another warm up drawing to further practice myself for more future projects to further challenge myself with--since the problems I had with my Internet in the past had left me quite worried about whether or not I'd forget the following skills in art that I've learned among the way.Although with all of that out of the way, here is a warm up picture of Klara from Pokemon Sword~!
And if you were able to tell by the following format I've decided to draw her in, this is yet another follow up drawing of my Bea and Melony illustrations.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Drawing by yours truly~!Klara is a character from the Pokemon series of games.
The Pokemon franchise is a copyright of Nintendo and Game Freak.