Artist's commentary
约稿,作者小学鸡小川: user/881230 »
Commissioned work by 小学鸡小川: user/881230 »
全国心理咨询/危机干预机构电话号码索引: p站不让发了。请直接搜索“危机干预热线”并点入有.edu结尾的,权威机构发布的正规索引。
这些服务应该是匿名的,所以在你需要的时候请务必向他们寻求帮助。不要觉得你的事情就只是“这点破事”- 如果切实对你造成了影响,那么你就应该寻求合理的帮助。
List of emergency mental consulting services:
pixiv does not want me to post it, apparently:( Just search for the wiki page.
the list is incomplete, just be aware that these services do exist and you can seek help from them :)
They should be antonymous, so don't be afraid to call them- if it's creating problems for you, it's a reason more than sufficient to justify calling. Do seek proper help afterwards as advised if needed tho.
"I'm here to kill some necro solo, what is that...... Bounty you are talking about?"