Artist's commentary
нет вы не понимаете НАСКОЛЬКО мне дорога сцена из 145 главы, где мина мутузит киришиму по плечу, и он такой "ай!.. э, стопэ, так а это не больно совсем" — она проживает в моей голове rent free
как мне оформить эти чувства в слова 🤒
вся фишка киришимы в том, что чем больше его бьёшь — тем сильнее он становится. его использовали в качестве молотка для выбивания моти, руководитель практики сломал об него руку — киришиме, мягко говоря, нормально, когда его бьют; он даже любит хорошую драку на кулаках. какой-нибудь дружеский шлепок был бы ему как с гуся вода
но мина не ударила его в пол силы — она вообще отказалась его бить. она МОГЛА БЫ, и ему было бы пофиг — но мина не захотела причинять ему боль даже в шутку, даже чуть-чуть.
я таю....
персонаж А с убийственным апперкотом, который относится подчёркнуто нежно к персонажу Б, привыкшему терпеть побои = 🛐🛐🛐
#bnha #mha
Source: https://vk.com/wall-169343976_19086
i CAN'T express in ANY language how MUCH the scene, where mina is (seemingly) hitting kirishima and he's like "ow!.. er, wait, it doesn't hurt at all, actually" means to me.
where do I even start 🤒
kirishima is a STURDY hero. he gets TOUGHER with each punch. he loves a good fistfight, he has thick skin — there's no apparent reason to be concerned about smacking him once or twice: he probably won't even bat an eye
but, knowing this, mina doesn't smack him full on or, maybe, half-heartedly — she REFUSES to hurt him WHATSOEVER. even a little bit. even as a joke.
it wasn't strictly necessary to point it out within the dialogue: kirishima could've just "ouched" and we'd assume that mina jabbed him in a friendly manner, without much force behind it
but nooo, it was a CHOICE to add a whole separate sentence to bring our attention to the fact, that while mina put on a whole show of throwing hands — in reality her touch is careful and she's mindful of kirishima's comfort, even with small things.
we have a character who, we know for a fact, can punch real hard (sports festival helloo 👊👊👊), being pointedly gentle with a character, who's whole shtick is being hit as hard as possible.
that's poetry.
(i also love it because in shounen "girls hitting boys" is often played for laughs. which kinda sucks 'cause sometimes it makes it seem as if boys have no right for physical boundaries. they just have to take it, because, well, whatcha gonna do about a girl slapping you? seeing a female character in shounen who's consistently considerate of boy's feelings makes me happy 🥺)
(it's also officially stated that mina is much more attentive to little things than people around her realize. i like to think she's the kind of person who makes sure no one in the group feels left out, which is especially important to kirishima, since most of his life he thought himself to be hardly noticeable and unremarkable.)
(i dunno, i just think it's a cool trait for a character to have. makes me respect and like mina even more 🥺💖)
#bnha #mha #bokunoheroacademia #myheroacademia #kirimina
#kirishimaeijirou #ashidomina