Artist's commentary
Origami Vinesauce
My art commissions are currently OPEN! If you're interested in getting a commission that looks just like this artwork feel free to check out my commission info!::Star!:
DJ-Mika Art Commissions 2023 [OPEN]
DJ-Mika Art Comms 2023 (mikacomms2023.carrd.co)Other Vinesauce stream art I've made!-->
Booru link!--> booru.vineshroom.net/post/view…
I AM ALIVE [image] \o-o/
I realize I've been inactive here for some time lately and I made a Journal saying I'd be active only to die again (truth be told I was actually still in the middle of the semester when I posted that so I was a tad early in writing that Journal >.<;) (Wink)
Long story short, due to house renovations last year, a string of difficult classes, extreme art burnout from those classes, and now a virus outbreak it's been very difficult finding time and motivation to do anything art related ;-;
However, Vinny of Vinesauce has now started plaything through the newest Paper Mario game, The Origami King, and I once again HAD to make something for it! <XDD >w</ :Heart:
In terms of how this pic is structured vs. the Super Paper Mario one I did last year, I feel they're opposites; while the SPM one has a lot of characters in it but has a pretty simple background, this one has fewer established characters (the Folded Soldiers/generic shy guy don't count lol) but the background has more going on in it -w-
Overall I'm pretty happy with how it came out! [image] :Heart:
Again sorry for the inactivity :( (Sad)
I have other ideas I want to draw and other pics lined up, including one that I stopped working on in order to work on this <XD
Hopefully with this it'll mark the beginning of me art-ing again ;;-;;/