Artist's commentary
KH2-a flower seems not to be
I have started playing kh2 before my partner zuowen, but she processed more than me. I'm stuck in commissions while she has a vacationT_T She had drawn so many amazing fanarts for kh2, I really feel tinkled.
I expected Kh2 to be a happy and light story, but it turnec our much deeper, a good surprise to me. I love the storyline and background alot. When Roxas disappeared, become Sora? I understood the ood behaving of Axel when he met Roxas, "if you don't remember, I will kill you." Maybe he'd rather kill Roxas than see him disapear. Maybe Roxas and Sora are one in a point, but I still want them to be 2 seperated whole ppl. If not so, Axel is too lonelyT_T.
I doubt I made the eng tytle wrong. It's from an ancient Chinese poem. 花非花 Roxas lived in the twilight town like common ppl, playing with his friends, the summer vacation seemed to be never end. Except the strange dreams he suddenly awoke from. But the real break of dream is when he met namnee. The fact is turned upsiede down, real became dream, and dream became real. Roxas evan shouldn't exist. He was merely a dream, Sora's phantom by my understanding. That's so sad... I wish Roxas could has his own boday, own memory and lead a real life, together with Aexl>3<