Artist's commentary
秘书416/416 as secretary
约稿,作者酒天 user/950704 »
Commissioned work by Shuten user/950704 »
全国心理咨询/危机干预机构电话号码索引: https://xinli.buct.edu.cn/_upload/article/files/d1/86/58119f32496fb1e0e7b64d368a1e/b6b8a434-274d-41fd-b88e-e0bbdf430944.pdf
这些服务应该是匿名的,所以在你需要的时候请务必向他们寻求帮助。不要觉得你的事情就只是“这点破事”- 如果切实对你造成了影响,那么你就应该寻求合理的帮助。
List of emergency mental consulting services:
the list is incomplete, just be aware that these services do exist and you can seek help from them :)
They should be antonymous, so don't be afraid to call them- if it's creating problems for you, it's a reason more than sufficient to justify calling. Do seek proper help afterwards as advised if needed tho.
1. Affinity 50, Subjugation level 0
"I will be your secretary today, you have made a wise choice."
"I will be second to none, today, and for many more tomorrows."
2. Affinity 100, Subjugation level 10
"Being naked can improve cooling...... commander, you are really sexually frustrated, aren't you?"
"...... I will be the best. Off bed, and on bed."
3. Affinity 100, Subjugation level 100
"I am your secretary today, as per usual. How does this new battery model look?"
"You can't live without me now, can you? Commander?"
4. Affinity 0, Subjugation level 100
"Thanks to you human piece of shit, I can't go on without your cock now. And that's the only reason that this bullet is in the chamber, instead of in your ugly little skull."
"Now, finish what you have started. Pinch me to the ground, and fuck me till I pass out. Don't give me time to contemplate on how fucked up I am or what has led me to this point."
Pic 5 is a draft. I do like it so its also uploaded.
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