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Fr - Francium Fafnir Mark Elf (XI) Fafnir in the Azure
Pu - Plutonium Qubeley Mark II Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ
F - Fluorine Union Flag Custom Mobile Suit Gundam 00
N - Nitrogen Nu Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Nd - Neodynium GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh Kidou Senshi Gundam 00
Er - Erbium Enryu GaoGaiGar
Be - Beryllium Bender Bending Rodríguez Bender Unit 22 Futurama
Ni - Nickel Nirvash Type 0 Eureka 7
O - Oxygen Megadeuce "Big O" Big O
Cf - Californium Command Wolf Zoids
Tm - Thulium Temjin Virtual On
Eu - Europium Eva 01 Neon Genesis Evangelion
Th - Thorium Terran Thor StarCraft II
As - Arsenic Astroboy (Mighty Atom) Tetsuwan Atomu/Astroboy
Cn - Copernicium Casshern Artificial Man Casshern
Pd - Palladium Panda Z Panda Z
Mo - Molybdenum Cyclone armor Genesis Climber Mospeada
B - Boron Bosborot Mazinger Z
H - Hydrogen Haro Kidou Senshi Gundam
Kr - Krypton Kamen Rider #1 Kamen Rider
Os - Osmium Optimus Prime Transformers
No - Nobelium Nobel Gundam G Gundam
Mt - Meitnerium Metabee Medabots
Mn - Manganese Megatron Transformers
Cu - Copper Cutey Honey Cutey Honey
Mg - Magnesium Mazinger Z Mazinger Z
Br - Bromine Brygar Ginga Senpuu Braiger
In - Indium AV-98 Ingram Patlabor
Ge - Germanium Getter 1 Getter Robo
Rn - Radon Raideen Brave Raideen
Sc - Scandium Scopedog Armored Trooper Votoms
Ds - Darmstadtium Daimos Toushou Daimos
Co - Cobalt Combattler V Combattler V
Te - Tellurium Tetsujin #28 (Gigantor) Tetsujin #28
Lr - Lawrencium Layzner SPT Layzner
Ac - Actinium Acguy Mobile Suit Gundam
Y - Yttrium Yatter One Yatterman
Sg - Seaborgium Koutetsu Jeeg
Na - Sodium Godannar
Ru - Ruthenium RyuuKoOh Super Robot Wars Alpha
Rh - Rhodium RaiOh Super Robot Wars Alpha 3
ZN - Zinc Zenith Front Mission 4
Pt - Platinum Gespent (Personal Trooper) Super Robot Wars
Bk - Berkelium Black Getter Getter Robo
Tb - Terbium Tekkaman Blade Tekkaman Blade
Rg - Roentgenium R-Gun Super Robot Wars
Po - Polonium Robo (Prometheus) Chrono Trigger
Tc - Technetium Tachikoma Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Tl - Thallium Tallgeese Gundam Wing
La - Lanthanum Lancelot Code Geass
Ra - Radium RahXephon RahXephon
Hg - Mercury Hygogg Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket
Sb - Antimony Sazabi Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Db - Dubnium Buster Machine 7 Diebuster
V - Vanadium VF-1 Valkyrie Macross
Hf - Hafnium Hidolfr MS IGLOO
U - Uranium Urbanmech Mechwarrior/Battletech
Si - Silicon Sizzler Gunbuster
Nb - Niobium Nine Ball Armored Core
Ca - Calcium Mad Cat Mechwarrior/Battletech
Cr - Chromium Tau Crisis Suit Warhammer 40,000
Cs - Caesium XM-X Crossbone Gundam X1 Crossbone Gundam
Zr- Zirconium Zeorymer Hades Project Zeorymer
Pb - Lead Toaster
Fm - Fermium ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam Gundam SEED/Gundam SEED DESTINY
Se - Selenium Black Selena Martian Successor Nadesico: Prince of Darkness
Te - Tellurium Tetsujin 28 Tetsujin 28-gou
Rf - Rutherfordium Dirfinge Break Blade
Li - Lithium Linebarrel Kurogane no Linebarrel
Pa - Protactinium Palace Athene Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam
Fe - Iron Iron Giant Iron Giant
Cd - Cadmium Mic Sounders XIII (CD-playing robot) GaoGaiGar
Np - Neptunium Nemesis Prime Transformers Universe
Pm - Plutonium Proto Man Mega Man
Sr - Strontium SRX Super Robot Wars
Ta - Tantalum ∀ (Turn A) Gundam ∀ Gundam
Sm - Samarium Sammy Eve no Jikan
Cm - Curium Cutman Rockman/Megaman 1
K - Potassium King Gainer Overman King Gainer
Ba - Barium Baldios Baldios
Ir - Iridium Ironhide Transformers
Au - Gold Anubis Zone of the Enders
Al - Aluminum Alt Eisen Super Robot Wars
Am - Americium Air Man Rockman/Megaman 2
P - Phosporus Pluto Tetsuwan Atomu/Astroboy
Hs - Hassium Hyaku Shiki Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Rb - Rubidium RB-79 Ball Mobile Suit Gundam
Ce- Cerium Compatible Kaiser SRW Original Generation Gaiden
Sn- Tin Sinanju Gundam Unicorn
Re - Rhenium RGZ-95 ReZEL Gundam Unicorn
Ag - Silver Albegas Light-Speed Thunder God Albegas
Ga - Gallium GaoGaiGar GaoGaiGar
Gd - Gadolinium RX-78 Gundam Mobile Suit Gundam
Dy - Dysporium Dyzengar (Dygedguard) Super Robot Wars
S - Sulfur Saku Gundam Ace
At - Astatine Atlas Mechwarrior/Battletech
Ho - Holmium Hyoryu GaoGaiGar
I - Iodine Ideon Space Runaway Ideon
C - Carbon Cybuster Super Robot Wars
Ar - Argon Arbalest Fullmetal Panic
Es - Einsteinium Escaflowne Vision of Escaflowne
Cl - Chlorine Codarl(i) Full Metal Panic!
Pr - Praseodymium Personlichkeit Super Robot Wars
He - Helium HeroMan (HeroMan)