Artist's commentary
Lineage of Kirby
Finally this piece is finished, it took me a few days in total to finish this. There is no mixed-media here, this is all done from digital drawing by hand, even the parts that may look like 3d or material. I tried to stick to the art styles as closely as possible, even going as far as to use the same color palettes. Even the yarn version might look like I took an image from the internet, but I really did just go in and meticulously draw that yarn. The only part i cheated on was the backdrop for the yarn part, that is a tiny fabric texture I looped and made into his background.
I had to make a sketch on paper beforehand so that I could map out how I wanted to do all this, and I'm overall happy with how it turned out! This was fun practice for plenty of different art styles. The clay version was the most daunting to me at first, but I realized it was incredibly easy once I started haha. If you look closely at that one I just dotted a circular brush repeatedly and darkened the colors around the lower part to fake the 3d appearance, for example.
I tried to make sure to include every different art style Kirby has been through for the entire series, and I'm sure I've missed some without realizing it, but I got the gist of it for sure. Even I don't love ALL forms he's been in, but I made sure to include all the ones I could think of, because surely each one is somebody's favorite, you know?
Anyway, I've drawn 20 characters in total here! But did you realize some of them are actually NOT Kirby? I wonder if you can tell which ones don't belong? To be fair some of them could be argued either way, pedantically haha.
So... do you recognize all of these Kirbys? Have I included the Kirby/style of your favorite game?