Artist's commentary
The importance of a Signature
Journal Entry: Mon Nov 16, 2009, 6:42 PM
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I just recently found this piece that did a Millenia ago inspired by Baoh The Manga I liked back then I was (1984) 9yrs old.In (1997) I did this piece inspired by a similar piece done by my Best friend William O Adams Arbona for his almost unbelievable Cross Hatching Style and my Best friend Jose(Chaggy) Enchauntegy on his Wicked perspective on color`s and Art. AT the time I was studying in the Universidad de Artes Plasticas(Plastic Arts University)in Puerto Rico and in reality I learned more about art from My Best Friends than I did in Art college(LOL) but back then at the time this was done I was 21yrs old(Doing Lots of Stuff that rots the brain and soul...LOL) Years Later I was send this in a E-mail do not know who had this but it was my friend Rosiris Virgen that send this e-mail pic for me(She Remembers and owns stuff that I did similar to this that I do not even remember) I really do not remember but it was for me to know that I did not put my signature in my Art back then anyhow I still do not know which where she find this since i just did the schools project and then it was to trown away(Mostly My Friend Virgen kept them if she caught them in the trash in time) But the lesson learned is one Must always put your signature in everything one does in a unique way that is not copyable. Anyhow i have not draw anything to this caliber in years but Can you believe that Even my wife said you did that???? And if that is not messed up...I dont know what is!!! So I must start on my Art Again and get myself set up again so i can be at the same level from here on forth(Seriously).Well At least my Friends remember when I was doing the Original and know i can do better and this time i will include my Signature\Tag(LOL).