Hello. This is the one known as Hirasaka Makoto.
So, this time was about tea party etiquette with the three witches and the SDM crew.
I had already laid the plans for this book back when I drew the first "Witches' Tea Party", and was very careful about how they held their cups. I didn't really think about it back when I was drawing the Three Fairies series, so they just kind of firmly grasp them there... (laugh)
These days I like to draw Alice and Patchouli pretty calm and collected, different from how I used to picture them. In particular, with Alice and the fairies, I'd like her to give off the impression of a pretty elder sister.
It's been a while since I drew a book like this where the fairies don't appear, but I think I'll be returning to them next time. However, I think I'd be nice to squeeze in the occasional story about the three witches or the SDM or something every now and then, so I'd be very happy if you pick those up as well.
I hope we'll meet again over my next book.