Straight to the shoulder!It was funRight in the ear!Let's see...Are there any others?Like the "straight to the shoulder" or the "right in the ear"...
肩ズン (katazun): Resting your head on another's shoulder to sleep/fake sleep/complain, typically done by a guy to a girl.
耳つぶ (mimitsubu): Whispering sweet words into another's ear.ZUNThe "zun" in katazun can be used as the onomatopoeia for a deep and heavy impact, and "kata" means shoulder.whisperCRUSHThe "tsubu" in mimitsubu is short for 呟く (tsubuyaku) which means "whispering", but here "tsubu" is used for 潰す (tsubusu) which means "crush". The "mimi" in mimitsubu means "ear".