H... Home cooking!?Fufu... It's youth~
Everyone gets spun around in circles in the beginning, so you don't need to be so harsh on yourself~I-is that right...I'm... pathetic right? When it comes to Trainer-san, I'm spinning my wheels even more than usual...But well... It's at times like this that you need to make your feelings heardThe truth is... just hearing that Trainer-san met with Vivlos and Nee-san last week made my heart feel uneasy...Even so I... felt this strange jealousy...W-what do you think!?It's just like fishing you know? Waiting is important, but at the right moment, you have to be bold and reel him in!The most important thing is to honestly tell him your feelings!Right...So, don't hesitate and give it to him straight!Oh, Master...! I'll put it to heart, thank you very much!A-and so! This time I was thinking of doing some home cooking,This is the first time I've felt like this... I... What should I do...?And then... I rushed over, only to find that they were just saying hi, and it turned out that Trainer-san was just doing research on menus for my sake at the time...